Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Titans v. Colts

On October 11, Josh and I had the opportunity to go to the Titans v. Colts game in Nashville. TN Farm Bureau (Josh's employer) is a sponsor of the Titans this year, and they have a "kid captain of the game" for all the home games. Each region had a drawing for a kid to win this trip with 3 of their family members. Since a girl that entered at Josh's office won for Region 10, someone from Josh's office got to go as a Farm Bureau representative. Too bad the other two guys in the office couldn't make we got to go instead! Woohoo! Here are a few pics from our trip...

So, we got there a little early, and went to where the players park to watch them walk into the stadium. The NFL supported breast cancer awareness during the month of October...if you watched the games, you probably noticed lots of pink shoes, gloves and armbands. Below is Chris Johnson's car...yes, it's a pink beemer. He may or may not have more money than sense. I can't rightly say...

The view from our seats...awesome! :)

Before the game, we got to go on the field...this is the crew we were with...walking onto the field from the tunnel.

Me and my sweetheart down on LP field!

And this is why we're here. Thanks Farm Bureau!

The HD camera. So cool to see it up close and personal!

Adam Vinatieri, the Colts kicker. Josh made me take this pic because he says he's an awesome kicker. I just said, "Okay." ;)

Eddie George was standing right behind us on the sidelines...I was too shy to ask him for a picture. Dang it!

Pink 'em!

Pink 'em!

Peyton!!! Not gonna lie, I was a little disappointed that his shoes were black and not pink. Oh well. ;)

Chris Johnson decked out in pink...did I mention the car?

These are some big freakin' dudes. This picture doesn't do them justice. They dwarfed Josh, and I think he's a pretty big guy.

Oooh! Guess who sang the National Anthem? Trace Adkins! I got over my shyness and asked him for a pic since he was standing 5 feet away from me. :) He was so nice! And the boy can sing...for real!

Our "kid captain of the game," Karsyn and her dad.

We were still standing on the field as the Titans ran out of the tunnel. Did I mention they are some big freakin' dudes?!

Karsyn got to go out on the field for coin toss (she stood right next to Peyton cool is that?!) This is her pep talk before the coin toss. She was so cute!

I couldn't get a good angle of her on the field, there was too many big guys in the way. Owell. They also let the eagle fly at the end of the National Anthem, and it landed about 10 feet from where we were standing. I couldn't get a good shot of it either! Dang it!

That was the end of the on-field excitement. After that, we went back up to our seats to watch the game. Sadly, the Titans got killed, so we left just after the start of the 4th quarter. I paid for the late night and lack of sleep for the entire next week, but it sure was worth it! Thanks, Farm Bureau, for a great experience!

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