To answer a question from the previous post, we did take measurements before we started. We didn't do body fat just because we don't have the equipment for that here at home. However, we did take our weight, waist measurement, hip measurement and bicep measurement (that one was more for Josh than me). We also took pictures of front, side and back in bathing suits. That whole session was what really motivated me! If my "after" pictures are more awesome than I can stand, I'll post all my pics on here. If not, I don't know that I ever want those first pics to surface!
Now, about KenpoX...I am sooooo glad we were not in a class full of people! (and that I was not being filmed!) I am not the most coordinated person on the planet. Once upon a time, I was a gymnast. While I understand that takes some coordination, it was a lot about power, flexibility and brute strength. Besides, I had lots of time to practice all those routines before anyone ever saw them (and my Dad will probably tell you that even then, my coordination left quite a bit to be desired...remember the "surfer girl" on the beam, Dad?).
I've never done tae bo, but from the description I've heard of it, this was exactly like tae bo on crack. It was a great cardio workout, and I definitely felt my core working like crazy with all the kick/punch combos. Had I known what jab, cross, hook, and uppercut meant (and how to do them) before the DVD started, I think I would've done a lot better. Perhaps I should pay more attention when Josh watches all those crazy UFC fights. Jab and uppercut I finally mastered, but I'm still a little confused about the difference between a hook and a cross. Josh said he'll teach me (if he can stop laughing for a minute).
I'm pretty sure I looked like a monkey jumping around trying to get all those combos down. I did really well during the first part of the DVD when we only did 1 at a time, but once we started doing jab/cross/uppercut/kick sort of things, I was throwing more haymakers than anything. It wasn't for lack of trying, but I just am NOT coordinated enough to figure it out (apparently). I've got my work cut out for me.
Today is Day 7. We have the option between stretching and taking the day off. I'll be taking the day off. Sunday starts over with the hardest workout, so I'll need some time to get geared up for that!
1 comment:
Congrats on completing your first week! I would say that you have inspired me, but I would be know I'm an all cardio girl :) (hence the problem of upper arm strength for skiing)!
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