Wednesday, February 16, 2011

6 weeks...

This sweet man is so special to me! When he found out about Asher, he started giving me gold dollar coins every time I saw him. He still does! They are all in Asher's piggy bank. I love this picture! I can't wait to tell Asher about Mr. Taylor and his gold dollars. :)

5 weeks...we are working hard on head control...he's getting better every day!
5 1/2 weeks...I thought this outfit was too cute to not take a picture of...
6 weeks...yup, he's Daddy's boy!  Loves the remote!!!  :)
And, just in case you thought we weren't feeding him...  ;)  Okay, so the double chin is a bit exaggerated in this picture, but it was too cute not to post!

1 comment:

Angela said...


Asher is just adorable! So very happy for you guys! What an amazing story!
