Saturday, May 07, 2011

Words words words...

I have thousands of words swirling around my head that I desperately want to blog.  Words about motherhood, words about infertility, words about my first Mother's Day...

BUT, I want to do all those things justice because it's something I've been reflecting on a lot lately.  I went back to work almost 8 weeks ago (really?! doesn't seem that long!), and then left that job to start another 4 weeks ago (yeah, that wasn't my initial plan, God worked it out...anybody else see a theme? I think I'm gonna stop making plans altogether...historically, mine have NEVER worked out.  Like, never ever.  I gotta tell ya, God is good! I love my new job and it's a PERFECT fit for me!)

Anyway, the point of all that rambling is to say that since I've been back at work, I feel like I'm in a bit of a conundrum. In an unfamiliar and familiar place all at the same time.  I've been struggling with what exactly it means to be a wife, a mommy, and a physical therapist.  Because I love all THREE of my jobs, sometimes it's hard for me to strike a good balance.  Thus, lots of reflection and lots of words swirling around.

HOWEVER, I have a sick baby on my hands, and between the bottles, breathing treatments, and settling down a fussy little man, this mamma barely has time to eat, sleep and shower (sometimes the latter must wait until there's an extra set of hands in the house...I feel like we have an itty-bitty baby again!)  So, the blog posts will have to be late entry and you're just going to have to forgive me.  I'll leave you with some cute pictures to tide you over though!

Asher's first mohawk...look closely! You can see it! ;)

Asher was 3 months old on April 3, 2011!  Yes, that means he's already 4 months at the time of this post...maybe some day I'll get caught up...or maybe not, and you'll have to come see me live and in person if you want an accurate representation of our family! ;)

He's really getting a cute personality, and LOVES laughing at his Daddy!

He's also continuing to work on his milk gut. hehehe...

He loves it when his Daddy reads to him! For some reason he's not as attentive to me...maybe because I'm with him too often! (p.s. notice Linus hiding under the crib? hehe...we put the crib on an incline to help with his breathing, and now Linus hides under there all the time!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

asher is adorable!! i hate that he's sick never fun as a mommy!!

i agree that being everything to everyone is hard and often stressful...the great news is that lil' asher is going to love you whole heartedly, 100%, all the time....when you're stressed from work, relationships...whatever and you come home to that precious smile.....melt!
love the pics!