Sunday, January 03, 2010

The Beachbody Project...P90X: Day 1

So, while 2009 was another great year in the Tummel household, it brought a few extra pounds for both Josh and myself. We have always worked out regularly and cooked healthy meals, but between working so much and trying desperately to finish this remodel (and travelling b/c apparently we don't like to stay home over the weekend) our 4 day a week workouts have turned into 2 (on a good week). And those healthy meals? Not so much when we both have been getting home after 6. We've turned to chili, chips & cheese, Tyson breaded chicken fingers, Tater tots, and other not-so-healthy but oh-so-tasty quick meal options.

We're both really feeling it, and have been talking about starting the P90X workout for the last month or so. While we're not much for New Year's resolutions, we didn't actually get the workout program until last week, so we wanted to jump on the January 1st fitness bandwagon with the rest of the crazies. Okay, it was more like January 3rd, but anyhoo.

So, today was day 1: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X. (Training block 1, week 1, day 1 for anybody who really wants to keep up) We took "before" pictures (which you, dear readers, will NEVER see...even when there are "after" pictures to compare to...sorry...take your own pictures and you might understand why), took several different measurements (I need to say at this point that I remembered what my measurements were my Senior year of college when I got fitted for a bridesmaid dress, and my measurements today were NOT quite the same...I've got work to do people!), and weighed ourselves (yikes!).

I was pretty scared of the whole P90X system until I saw those measurements, then I was a bit more motivated. I watched through the DVD before we went to the gym, and I kept thinking, "Oh! I can do that!" so I was pretty encouraged. Then I realized that I had to do all those things in an hour...twice. O-M-G!

(By the way, we were behind a truck at a red light today that had a huge "AIN'T SKEERED" painted on the back window...just underneath the "baby on board" suction cup thingy on the passenger side...oh, and the deer hiding behind grass painted on the tailgate. I wish I had my camera, it was so East TN redneck!) Random, I know, but that picture kept flashing in my head when I was watching the DVD.

So, we went to the gym, exercise line up in hand, and DOMINATED P90X! Okay, "dominated" might not be the correct word choice. But, we did it. By the time it was over, the front part of my shoulders were already sore (it's about 1 hour later now, and they just keep getting worse!), but otherwise it wasn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Keep in mind that we're fairly active already, so it wasn't like we were starting completely from scratch. Anyhoo, neither one of us puked on day 1, so we're proud of that. Tomorrow is plyometrics, though, so that might just be another story. I'm just glad I washed my hair tonight so I don't have to worry about not being able to lift my arms in the morning.


Angela said...

Can't wait to hear how this goes! I have been thinking about doing P90X to get rid of my post-baby weight (which keeps piling on!!!) this summer.

Conrad & Cara Deese said...

yikes! i've heard this is killer!! good luck! fill us in on the progress

Nathan said...

It sounds like you are making good progress and enjoying your workouts. I have been using the P90X and other Beachbody products for a few months now and I love it! I have found that I have become addicted to working out. I would have never thought.

Have you ever considered becoming a Beachbody Coach? Besides getting a 25% discount on everything Beachbody sells you can also make money when people buy from your website that Beachbody gives you. If you are interested, follow the link below and click on the “Coach” tab. If you have any questions you can send me a message from my Beachbody site. Enjoy the holiday season and good luck with your workouts!