Monday, January 04, 2010

Day 2: Plyometrics

I was pleasantly surprised this morning to be able to move my arms in any direction I wanted to. My shoulders are a bit sore, but I can pick things up, brush my teeth, brush my hair and feed myself, so I consider that success.

We briefly toyed with the idea of getting up at the crack of dawn to do the plyometrics video (because Josh wanted to do it at the gym on his laptop, and if we were doing that, I wanted to make sure no one could see me!) But, I convinced Josh to do it in the basement (after all, what's all that space and big screen TV for anyway?), so we saved our plyometrics workout for tonight...before dinner (to cut down on the possibility of upchucking).

Josh hardly broke a sweat during this one while I was over there panting like crazy, checking my heart rate (because I was sure I was getting close to the heart attack level), and shaving reps off of every other exercise so I didn't die. The thing is, the actual exercises weren't that hard. My muscles will probably be sore, but I didn't have to shave reps because they were burning like crazy. It's the fact that I was quite sure my heart was going to explode. Perhaps if I liked cardio a little more, this would have been easier.

I hate cardio. Despise it. I would rather lift weights for 4 hours than do cardio for 20 minutes. Seriously. So, I rarely do it. Usually when we go to the gym, I do a 10 minute cardio warm up then hit the weights. That was VERY obvious tonight. VERY. It was also very obvious that Josh runs up and down the basketball court several times a week. He's still in pretty good cardio shape. Not yours truly. That's definitely something I need to work on.

My goal is to be able to complete the plyometrics video in it's entirety by week cheating. Wish me luck!


The displaced Fabulachian said...

Jon and I are thinking about trying the P90X system, but I have to wait til I get my rib doctored up!!

will said...

Keep up the good work with P90X! I went through it, now i am doing P90X plus! Love Beachbody programs!

I've got a blog at

we're also doing a daily motivation email for P90Xers. let me know if you're interested.