Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Day 3: Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X

Shoo! I think this might not be as bad as everyone has it cracked up to be! Is it challenging? Yes. Am I sore? Definitely. Do my muscles mostly just feel as if they don't want to work at all? Pretty much, yeah. However, I don't feel like I'm dying with this workout. I feel like I'm back in college...working out hardcore again. I've gotten way too complacent in my old age (okay, more like since I entered the real world of working), and my work outs have been, well, lazy.

I'm glad that confession is out of the way.

Tonight I felt like I was doing one of my usual workouts, amped up a bit. My muscles burned and got really tired, but they never completely failed me (like they pathetically did on Sunday), so I was proud of that! I still can't make it all the way through the Ab video...I get to about 7 minutes (it's 15 minutes long), and have to cut the reps back from 25 to 20 because I feel too much stress on my back (because I'm a weakling).

But, I think I just might make it! Tomorrow is yoga...I'm pumped about it, but Josh, I think, is terrified. I just hope I don't laugh through the whole thing. (No offense, honey!)


The displaced Fabulachian said...

My brother has been doing P90x and he says that the yoga is INTENSE! I know I don't really need to tell you this, since you're a physical therapist, but be careful with some of those poses because they can cause injuries if there's not a well-trained yoga instructor around. Particularly crow (it may go by another name in the video, but it's where you're balanced completely on your arms with your legs hinged around your elbows) and plow (a shoulder stand where you take your legs to touch the ground behind your head) and of course any of the poses that put strain on the neck.... as a yogi, I just want to share some of that, but I know you well enough to know that you're not going to do anything that will risk injury (and if you do, at least you know how to treat it!!)

Conrad & Cara Deese said...

sheesh...keep going