Tuesday, January 26, 2010

P90x Week 4

So, weeks 1-3 were much of the same...just easier. (Okay, maybe not easier, but I knew what to expect during the workout...and the day after...so that helped it be easier.) And, I'm much more coordinated with Kenpo. Seriously. To the point that I might actually go to a Kenpo class in public now...I'm that good. Okay, maybe not, but Josh doesn't make fun of me anymore (which either means I'm getting better or he's getting used to it), so I consider that a small victory.

We started week 4 on Sunday, and that's a "recovery" week. Um, yeah, right. Maybe a bit of recovery from the weight stuff, but not recovery from hardcore exercise. We have a rotation this week of Yoga, Kenpo and Core Synergistics. I've actually figured out that I can do about the first 30 minutes of each yoga class without repercussions, so I feel like I'm getting some benefit from it at least. And I told Josh that he has to do it with me, so he obliges...right up until that 30 minute mark, then he gives it up. I'm good with that, though.

So, we'll talk about core synergistics for a moment. This one I was excited about because as a PT, I'm all about training the core. It really is the foundation of your body...but I'll spare you that full lecture.

Oh. My. Word. It was tough! A GREAT workout, but very tough. I felt like I was channeling my old gymnastics coach during some of the exercises...it was some of the crazy stuff he used to have us do. For some reason it was insanely easier when I was 9 years old and 90 pounds lighter. Imagine that.

I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Really sore, I'm afraid. And sore in those muscles that I really need...you know, my abs and back...my core (hence core synergistics, okay people?) I just hope that I don't fall out on a patient today when I bend over to get something out of my bag on the table or chair because my back muscles decide to rebel and not work. If that's going to happen, I would prefer my muscles wait at least until I get home. Here's to hoping...

1 comment:

Corey Timm said...

Your tale sound very similar. My wife and I are in another fitness kick and watching what we eat. Then usually we slip back to old habits after a couple months, not this time (I hope and pray).

Good luck on your journey!!