Sunday, December 19, 2010

July 2010

We spent the first part of July at my Dad's house while we prepared for my Nana's funeral and celebrated the 4th with my family.  Here is the photographic evidence...

Baby calf!  Apparently Dad bought a pregnant cow and didn't know it...what a surprise to see this little guy in the middle of June!

Lynn Powell and Charlotte Bowers (cousins of my Nana) were gracious enough to have us at their tea room for lunch the day after Nana's funeral.  It is wonderful!  If you're ever in Walland, TN, you should have lunch there!  It's in a house that's been in our family for generations!

Memories of 'Ole Tea Room in Walland, TN

Kay, Don, Charlotte, Lynn, and Daddy

This is my great-great Grandparent's house on the river in Walland, John and Rhoda McNeilly.  (Granny Rhody)  No pics of the inside because they haven't chased the copperheads out from around it yet this summer...I don't want any part of that, thankyouverymuch.

My Nana's handwriting with her dill pickle recipe.  My Aunt Gina was kind enough to help me make some when we were home for the 4th weekend!

Hot dill pickles...they are OH SO GOOD!

And this is what happens when you give a 6 year old a camera and tell her to take pictures of you making pickles...Ellie and I cutting up cucumbers...

Kenley with part of her head cut off...

Um...the stove with an empty jar on it?...


Zucchini...Thanks Mollee!  I appreciate your expert photography of the pickle making  ;)

And so the July 4th party begins.  They posed for this picture because I told them I was gonna put it on facebook.  I'm not sure if I should be worried about that or not...

Gina and Hali Beth (oh, and Toby!)

Annie get your gun!  (Yup, this is my little photographer...these next few pics might explain those others a little better...)

Waiting for Dad-O to hand out the ice cream!

Then Mollee got to lick the churner...she WORE that ice cream by the end of the night...haha!

Ice cream soup!  They made me promise to put this one on facebook too.

Later in July we had the chance to go to the lake with Daniel and Erica.  Apparently I didn't get any pics of Josh and I that day (I have to get better about that!), but I got a great one of the two lovebirds and a dragonfly.  ;)  Owell! I'll take what I can get!

And this is a really huge house near the dam.  I'm not even sure this picture does it justice...the place is MASSIVE!

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