Wednesday, March 02, 2011


So, Asher and Brody LOVE having playdates. Well, maybe it's that their momma's like the playdates more than they do at this point. Whatever, we know they'll love each other one day! On this particular day, Brody showed up in this super cute outfit, and Asher happened to have one to match. So, I changed his clothes so we could take their picture. Erica and I thought it was adorable...the boys, not so much. Josh made me promise I wouldn't do it ever again. Boo! Anyway, you decide...aren't they cute! (Brody on the left-15 weeks, Asher on the right-7 weeks)  If you want to keep up with our friend Brody, his Momma has a blog too!


Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Totally adorable!!! :) Don't listen to the guys, they don't know! LOL

Philip Parker said...

Good pics, but I'm gonna have to side with Josh on this one...LOL. Hope you guys are doing well.